Sawrah Amini

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#8 - 40 till 40

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I am grateful for my education.

Though I might not have always loved it, (and I have serious reservations about how education is done right now), I am grateful for it. I went to a bilingual elementary school, which I realize for the 80s and 90s in the U.S. is quite rare. And let me clarify that it was bilingual, but not the second language that was a part of my two cultures at home. I remember getting to middle school and being surprised that not everyone’s elementary school had been like that, ( that they didn’t have language class, or classes where their first language was not the predominant one). I went from a multicultural school to a very homogenous school. It was quite a culture shock. It wasn’t the first one I would experience, nor would it be the last. I went to a pretty homogenous university as well, which hands down one of the best learning experiences there was leaving the country to study abroad. (Read about that here)

I am also grateful for the ability to make different choices now in regards to how and why I educate myself. I am grateful there are so many more choices for learning now. The opportunity for not just education but learning is completely different now and I think that has great potential as we move into a new era of life, work, and human-ing.

(If you’re curious about the difference between learning and education, I highly recommend Seth Godin’s explorations on this topic.)