Sawrah Amini

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#9 - 40 till 40

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I am grateful for my health.

I used to struggle with severe migraines, and I never realized how much they were affecting my life until I didn’t have them anymore. I am incredibly grateful to be migraine free and for my general overall health. My health has become a bigger priority for me over the last several years. I am consistently optimizing it and experimenting to see what works, what no longer works, and what might make me feel more healthy in my body. My health and wellness is one of the biggest areas that I experiment with in my life. I regularly remove and add things back in to see what happens and how I feel. It’s why I am now alcohol free, mostly dairy free, night shade vegetable free, and why I’ve been experimenting with coffee free. It’s important to note that these experiments and optimizations for my system are just that, for my system. They are what make me feel better in my body and more connected to it. It supports my overall system wellness including mental and emotional wellbeing. Learning to listen to these things about my body have greatly impacted my overall health and for that I am also grateful.

Awareness Practice: How do you feel after you eat? Do you feel the same after you eat each type of food?

Note: Things that also affect our overall health that we don’t always consider - our physical environment, social media use, sleep, water, body movement, light, sound, air flow, emotion, stress, clutter, consumption, safety, trauma, unresolved family stories, poverty, computer use, violence on tv and movies, disconnection from self and other humans, and on and on. Nothing happens in isolation, our entire personal system is connected to everything we do and experience internally and externally.