

Completion. How do you know when something is complete? An experience, a relationship, a job, you name it, how do you know? I don’t propose to know the answer to this and like everything I suppose it is highly individual.

I think for me it is when I close a chapter and there is no resistance to it. It just closes effortlessly. Sometimes I don’t know if that will be the way, but when it does happen that way I take it as a confirmation. Even when there is resistance to a closing of a chapter, and if it involves another person who is resisting, there is a specific feeling around it for me. I don’t experience guilt like I used to when choosing something that is right for me as opposed to what is no longer right for me. I know now that everything changes and always will. Impermanence has become a voluntary practice instead of one I try to ignore with the strongest walls of resistance I can muster.

I recently completed a chapter of my life, and I was surprised at how it went with seeming ease. I reflected on it in a new way, via my podcast channel, Morsels & Meditations. So this mini blog has a companion mini pod if you will.

Often these days I am finding when I write or record something in the moment without notes, there is always something I leave out or mean to say, or wish I had said in a different way, but that’s life isn’t it? We don’t always get to edit ourselves. And in that spirit, I am endeavoring to come as I am and edit myself less in all the ways. It’s like finally saying, here I am in my humanness and really embracing what that fully means for me and one aspect of that for me means releasing the illusion of perfection.

As always take what resonates and leave the rest.

Listen here - Completion

A note on completion, I find it important to do this process with compassion, if possible, the difference between completing something with compassion and vs. a screw you is very different in the body and with how the energy will remain with you or not. Bridge burning and completion are very different energies.


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